Wednesday, 10 February 2010

With the rest of the day ahead of us we decided to check out Kuala Lumpar. So after getting our over night bus tickets to Hat Yai we started to make a move for the famed Petronus Towers. Taking the most direct route we could find towards the tower seeing seeing some cool sights on the way. We eventually ended up at a bar a short distance from the Petronus Towers. The Petronus towers, well lets just there huge and put Mr Fell to shame and inside was a cool shopping area. We then decided to head towards China town and called over a taxi, which was all fine. Then after a 10min taxi drive max we were quoted with an outrageous price with the taxi driver insisting he meant 30 dollar instead of the local baht. Thankfully Grieve decided to step up bullshiting his way through while while felly shoved in some sentences to quick for anyone to understand. The taxi driver eventually backed down realising he was getting no where. After the event we realised that it was still early in the day and went for some of the local food. Once some serious and necessary chilling we continued our journey of touring the city. We continued our sight seeing while gradually feeling more tired and generally sweating obscene amounts. As it came to the end of the day we all agreed that if we didn't have shower before we left an unpleasent bus ride would be an understatement, thankfully we found showers (which will never be more appreciated) shortly before our bus ride. After several hours of the over night bus ride we encountered more trouble at borders but nothing some english charm can't deal with. We're now in the centre of Hat Yai planning to catch another overnight bus to Koh Phanghan.
Update By walmo.

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