Sunday, 16 May 2010

Park City, Utah

'Arches National Park' proved to be yet another haven for endless photographs of impressive rock formations (most arches.. due to the name). With Walmo still being camera-less; Felly and I perfected the art of walking up to a sight and taking a snap (or even occasionally doing drive-by photos) whilst many anorak wearing men spent minutes with their flashy professional cameras to get exactly the right zoom and angle. A look of bewilderment would often grace their face as a young Brit would seem almost careless to the quality of his photos (rest assured that our photos are tip top). We then hit Uncle G's Chevrolet Suburban for the 6 hour drive back to Grieve HQ USA in Park City (just outside Salt Lake City) - With George catching up on his sleep in the back; Felly bore the brunt of the driving, clocking around 4 hours of driving time with me taking on the responsibility of co-pilot (choosing the music). We reached Park City well in time for dinner, and after a brief cameo appearance from Auntie Trish (who was flying out to LA the next morning to see Catherine) we went for a bit of grocery shopping before going to bed.
The next day we thought it was best to go back to basics and practice the art of 'chilling'. Playing some xbox360 and watching basketball on the TV - it was a less than strenous day. We went and got some pizza for dinner and the 4 of us chilled some more... George more and more getting the hang of it!
Friday was invariably more constructive. The tripod left George to do some work and we drove down to Main Street, Park City in 'the tank' to see a near deserted city centre (as it was low season; the ski season and finished and the summer season was yet to begin). Being the only tourists there we felt slightly more in place as we traversed the shops for a short while before driving on to the 2002 Winter Olympic Park which was even more ghostly. We blitzed through the museum and checked out the ski jumps before heading off to our next must-do attraction: Wal-Mart. Walmsley who had never been to a Wal-Mart before was less than impressed and claimed that the Baldock Tesco was bigger. We then refuelled at Taco Bell (another American fast food chain we wanted to tick off our list) before heading back to the house. The evening consisted of a few beers and a game of Monopoly... Felly won the game with myself coming a respectable second. George posed little threat in 3rd place... and Walmo.... well he might want to rethink doing Economics at university.
Today we decided it was time to do some exercise... we drove down to Wal-Mart; bought a basketball and hit a local park for many games of 1-on-1 basketball (winner stays on) the lack of oxygen in the air due to the altitude definitely took us by surprise as we were all gasping after a few minutes. Being the true lads we were.. we soldiered on for a few hours and called it quits when Walmo got a black eye for being stupid enough to think he could beat me at basketball. We got back to the house, iced Walmsley's eye... played xbox for a bit and went out and got some takeaway Arby's for the four of us. Tonight we played another game of monopoly.. this time I secured victory.
Tomorrow we're going to stay in an airport hotel in Salt Lake City in preparation for our 6am flight to Kansas City where we're going to stay with my dad's best man - Steve (and family!).

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