Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Kansas Part 2 and Chicago

Thursday started off slowly, as the girl we were meant to meet had apparently forgotten she had a soccer match that day...I don't think she realised she was missing out on meeting THE English. So we decided to get out of the house anyway, with Grieve going to play 5 a-side soccer with Steve on this team. Walmo and I however decided to go to the local YMCA, which had its own basketball court. After playing basketball for 2 hours, waiting expectantly to play against some "G's from the hood", we got our chance and made a good name for English Basketball. And white guys. We came back in good spirits, as Grieve had scored 2 in his game, and got changed quickly before Millie picked us up for the college party. Pre-party beer pong was followed by a typical college party, and finally we were known as "The English" to everyone there, with various people coming up to the three of us saying "Hey aren't you that English guy?". Indeed we were. A fun night ended with a group of us going to a diner aptly named "Chubbies", where we had a very early morning full American breakfast. Friday was once again a very late get up, however we had the Kansas Royals baseball game in the evening. After the three of us once again schooled some Americans at basketball at the YMCA, we got ready for the baseball. It was a great atmosphere when we turned up, with many people arriving way before the game to have a few beers and set up barbecues in the parking lot. The beginning of the game raced by without any result, however it soon picked up, and we all began to get more and more into it. Grieve helped the cause by buying a Kansas City Royals top, with the player's name "De Jesus" on the back. With that, we became die-hard Royals fans, any announcement was met by the three of us shouting "Royals!", with the team shortly racing to a confident victory over the Colorado Rockies (Rockies suck!). After waiting around for the traffic to disperse and soaking up more of the atmosphere, we headed home. Saturday was our last day in Kansas, and we spent most of the day checking out a museum downtown about an American ship that had sunk in the 1850's in the Missouri River. While interesting seeing all the things they had salvaged from the wreck, we couldn't help laughing at our very eccentric tour guide whose stories involved what seemed like (Walmo esq) dance moves. After checking out the open market, we headed back to get packed before having a final meal with Steve's family. After that it was time for the MEGAbus to Chicago City, which proved to be an easy journey despite the fact that each of us got a total of only about an hour-ish sleep each. Chicago greeted us at about 6am, and we soon found the train to take us to the airport, and from there we caught our hotel shuttle (well, banged up van) back to the "O'Hare Garden Hotel", where we dumped our bags. However, on arriving there we found a "Hooters" resturant right next to the hotel= dinner sorted. For those of you who don't know what Hooters is, it is a standard American restaurant with the difference that all the waiters are girls, and these waiters don't exactly dress formally. Internet it. We then bought an all day train pass for $5, before going to check out Chicago city centre for a few hours, including the Navy Pier and the Trump Building. Pretty tired from the night before, we called in a day later that afternoon (after some basketball kit shopping of course). We got the train back to near our hotel, and after a quick power nap we headed to Hooters to "watch" the basketball game on that night. We then hit bed pretty early as we had to get up around 4-50am the next day for our flight to Grand Cayman.

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